Videos for Distance Education Students

See below links to facilitate learning techniques for counselling skills

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Models or Case Study to Models

Person-Centred Counselling:

Role Play – Person Centred therapy

Existential Therapy:

Reality Therapy (for addictions)

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Introduction to Family Counselling

Bowen - Family Systems

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Models or Case Study to Models or
Introduction to Psychopathology:

Case study clinical example: First session with a client with symptoms of social anxiety (CBT model):

How might I start a Counselling Session with a Child:

Five Approaches to Counseling Adolescents:

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Basic Counselling Skills

Counselling Techniques

Clinical Counselling

How to Do Basic Counseling Skills: Role Play

Case Study Clinical Example

Case Study Clinical Example – Bi-Polar Disorder

Contracting & Ending a First Counselling Session

The Effective School Counselor With a High Risk Teen: Motivational Interviewing Demonstration

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Introduction to Psychopathology

Abnormal Psychology Unit 1 Lecture 1:

My journey with schizoaffective disorder:

"Back From the Edge" - Borderline Personality Disorder:

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Sexual Abuse Counselling

Disclosure as a general counsellor: Male sexual abuse:

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Listening, Asserting, and Resolving Conflict

The Basics of Non Violent Communication 1.1

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Psychosocial Development

Neil: from 7 to 49

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Couples and Marital Counselling

John Gottman's The Seven Principles Presentation:

Miscellaneaous: For Educational Purposes

Loss and Grief Counselling

Grief Counselling: 3 Techniques Therapists Can Use

Issues in Prison Release

Issues in Prison Release

Aboriginal Counselling Skills & Substance Abuse. Is Motivational Interviewing a culturally safe practice?

Addiction Part 1

VCCT instructor Mike Mathers explores the issues and approaches to substance abuse counselling.

The Best Explanation of Addiction I’ve Ever Heard – Dr. Gabor Maté

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Models or Case Study to Models

Free Association (Psychoanalysis)

Psychoanalysis ID/EGO/SUPEREGO (Sigmund Freud)


FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Introduction to Psychopathology

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Sexual Abuse Counselling

Sexual Abuse Counselling

Sexual Abuse Counselling

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Substance Abuse Counselling

Substance Abuse Counselling

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - causes, symptoms, treatment & pathology

Power of Addiction - Gabor Mate

PTSD/Addictions and cognitive behavioral therapy

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Substance Abuse Counselling

Couples Counselling

Couples Counselling with Substance Abuse (either CMC or SUB)

Couples Counselling using Reality Therapy (either CMC or MOD or CSM)

CSM: 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

FOR STUDENTS TAKING: Introduction to Family Counselling

Structural Family Counselling Session

Satir Therapy Video

Family Violence Counselling: Motivational Interview with a Survivor of Intimate Partner Violence:




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